Break the Summer Giving Slump

Strategies to boost summer giving.
Every summer we experience a decline in giving as parishioners attend Mass less often.
Below are some tools to help your parish survive the summer months and inspire generosity.
eGiving Bulletin Insert
eGiving Pulpit Message Template
Flocknote eGiving templates
Summer Request for Donation Letter Template
QR Code In-Pew Bookmark
Social Media Post Templates for Summer
eGiving Postcard
eGiving video
Online giving and recurring gifts are the best way to thwart decline in summer giving. Each of the above templates promote recurring gifts as well as eGiving. Reminding parishioners of the eGiving options available prior to the summer months via flocknote, bulletin messaging, and social media will help combat a slow summer collection.
Suggested Timeline of Implementation
Help your congregation express their generosity all summer long by utilizing the above strategies. We recommend reaching out, communicating, educating, and promoting online giving during the month of May. Each weekend during May post something on social media, be sure to have a bulletin announcement, a brief pulpit announcement, send out flocknote reminders, and make QR codes available in the pews. Also consider sending out the online giving request letter the first week in May to kick-off your efforts. And, your Regional Director is always available to help you implement a comprehensive online giving program.