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Catch the Online Giving Wave

Writer: Kim MontgomeryKim Montgomery

Online giving is a critical component to the stability and growth of a parish’s offertory.

The Results are In

Online giving to nonprofits continues to surge. Blackbaud recently released their 2020 Charitable Giving Report, which analyzes the giving trends of their nearly 5,000 clients. Below are a few of the highlights of the online giving trends identified.

Online Giving in 2020 grew 20.7% year over year. (Online giving at the Archdiocese grew 18.8% in FY2020.)

Despite the pandemic, nonprofit organizations of all sizes had positive online giving growth in 2020 compared to 2019.

Small nonprofits, with total annual fundraising less than $1 million, grew their online fundraising 22.3% compared to 2019.

Since 2016, online giving has grown 17%, and average online gift amounts have continued to increase. Across all subsectors, the average online donation is $177.

Transitioning parishioners to online giving will also generate higher average donations. "On average, digital givers donate 33 percent more ($200 a month through digital means vs. $150 a month from non-digital means). They also donate 44 percent more often than non-digital givers (2.3 times a month vs. 1.6 times a month)." (Dunham + Company)

Embracing the Trend

"Online engagement is a critical component of a nonprofit organization’s communication, fundraising, advocacy, and stewardship strategy. 2020 showed the vital role that online engagement and giving play in donors’ lives and nonprofits’ goals. We continue to see that the digital landscape is transforming the social good sector." Blackbaud Charitable Giving Report

In 2020, 12.9% of total fundraising came from online giving. Faith based organization, in particular, received 17.7% from online giving. The Archdiocese of Baltimore received 29% (nearly 25 million) of total fundraising from EFT/online giving. As you can see the parishes within the Archdiocese have definitely embraced the online giving trend, exceeding the national average. However, there is definitely room for improvement. As our in person attendance at Mass continues to decline so too will our need to boost online giving participation to counteract the loss of loose collections.

"On average, digital givers donate 33 percent more ($200 a month through digital means vs. $150 a month from non-digital means). They also donate 44 percent more often than non-digital givers (2.3 times a month vs. 1.6 times a month)." (Dunham + Company)

Contact your Regional Director to maximize your online giving strategies.

You can read the full 2020 Charitable Giving Report here


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